Monday, June 25, 2012

Current State of Proactivity

How Big Name Companies are Expanding into the Burgeoning Hispanic Market
HispanicAd has been and is a premier resource on all things related to Hispanic marketing and how companies like Fox and Dove are engaging with the new face of America.

What are companies doing to engage with this vastly growing population? 

Looking at the infographic about The New Online Latina Mom to the left, it's apparent why Huggies recently jumped on the train of Spanish-language marketing by launching a marketing campaign utilizing television, print, and online advertising. Their initial stunt includes having a Spanish-language spokesperson whom is recognizable by the Hispanic audience. The Mexican TV personality and father of two, as stated by HispanicAD, is Poncho de Anda. 

In association with Poncho de Anda, Huggies will launch webisode series that include tips and tricks of tackling every day baby issues. They even propped a Facebook page that provides up-to-date information on the latest Huggies Brand and parenting news.

Take Hold

Alongside starting Hispanic-centric campaigns, take advantage of new launches or outlets that already exist with a Hispanic focus. Similar to a previous post about NBCU working in association with Telemundo, Fox released MundoFox, which is a solely Spanish-language network headed by Fox.

After the launch of MundoFox, Toyota, T-Mobile and L’Oreal jumped on board as major advertisers and charter sponsors for the network’s debut. HispanicAD quoted Tom Many, Senior Vice President of Advertising Sales at Fox Hispanic Media as saying the following, “MundoFox wants to challenge and revolutionize the status quo by giving media buyers and advertisers more innovative options…Smart marketers believe there is a new Latino mindset. They are asking for more choices and they will be given just that from MundoFox.” 
What does all this mean?

Now that MundoFox is a new and slightly innovative outlet, the Hispanic population is recognizing that they no longer have to pick from a select few options.  There are more options available to them as products and corporations begin to advertise with Hispanics in mind.

Take hold of these already existing outlets or successful products and piggy-back on their success to reach your target audience.  Instead of holding back, take hold of what exists instead of re-inventing the wheel.

How are you being innovative to reach Hispanic consumers?

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