Monday, June 25, 2012

Current State of Proactivity

How Big Name Companies are Expanding into the Burgeoning Hispanic Market
HispanicAd has been and is a premier resource on all things related to Hispanic marketing and how companies like Fox and Dove are engaging with the new face of America.

What are companies doing to engage with this vastly growing population? 

Looking at the infographic about The New Online Latina Mom to the left, it's apparent why Huggies recently jumped on the train of Spanish-language marketing by launching a marketing campaign utilizing television, print, and online advertising. Their initial stunt includes having a Spanish-language spokesperson whom is recognizable by the Hispanic audience. The Mexican TV personality and father of two, as stated by HispanicAD, is Poncho de Anda. 

In association with Poncho de Anda, Huggies will launch webisode series that include tips and tricks of tackling every day baby issues. They even propped a Facebook page that provides up-to-date information on the latest Huggies Brand and parenting news.

Take Hold

Alongside starting Hispanic-centric campaigns, take advantage of new launches or outlets that already exist with a Hispanic focus. Similar to a previous post about NBCU working in association with Telemundo, Fox released MundoFox, which is a solely Spanish-language network headed by Fox.

After the launch of MundoFox, Toyota, T-Mobile and L’Oreal jumped on board as major advertisers and charter sponsors for the network’s debut. HispanicAD quoted Tom Many, Senior Vice President of Advertising Sales at Fox Hispanic Media as saying the following, “MundoFox wants to challenge and revolutionize the status quo by giving media buyers and advertisers more innovative options…Smart marketers believe there is a new Latino mindset. They are asking for more choices and they will be given just that from MundoFox.” 
What does all this mean?

Now that MundoFox is a new and slightly innovative outlet, the Hispanic population is recognizing that they no longer have to pick from a select few options.  There are more options available to them as products and corporations begin to advertise with Hispanics in mind.

Take hold of these already existing outlets or successful products and piggy-back on their success to reach your target audience.  Instead of holding back, take hold of what exists instead of re-inventing the wheel.

How are you being innovative to reach Hispanic consumers?

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Series: Reaching Hispanic Youth

Students and Media Consumption

Stats can be overwhelming but this one should pinpoint how big the population of Latino youth is: In the United States, there are 1,543 high school and 1,429 middle schools with a 40 percent+ Latino population.  The 1,543 high schools alone account for more than 1.5 million Latino kids. If that doesn’t get your creative senses tingling to reach this lucrative market, then get them into gear! 

Why are they special?

If their sheer numbers don’t make them special, this informative description by mediapost of what NGL’s are should: A lot of marketers have taken to a new moniker for this rising demographic - "New General Latinos" or NGLs. NGLs are a different animal. They're all about lifestyle activators - music, food, entertainment, literature and travel - more so than education, hard work and the "American Dream." They are extroverted, outgoing, outspoken and, above all, wired. They are defined by culture, not exclusively by language - at least not the Spanish language. They have tremendous Latin pride, and social networking is a starting point for their large web of social interactions.

Not Beyond Reach

Looking at the quick tips graphic and the definition of NGLs, it’s obvious that although Spanish is spoken, most media by Hispanic youth is consumed in English and social networking is prevalent in their daily activities. According to the three top media consumed by Hispanic youth are:
1. The Internet, 2. Television, and 3. Radio.
A presentation about Hispanic youth marketing states that younger Hispanic internet users (ages 12-34) spent more time online per week than they did watching television. With these starting points in mind, the best way to reach out while building your foundation is to not start with big Spanish TV networks.  You aren’t trying to reach their parents who rely on newspapers, magazines, or Univision for news.  You’re trying to reach a new demographic of Hispanics that spend most of their time on the internet with television following close behind.  

Build your foundation by using multiple platforms and utilize social media and music (these are key entry points). Test emerging media—what do you think is an up and coming? For example, not too long ago, Pinterest was a lesser known social media platform. Go ahead and start using those sites that have a small following because before you know it, it’ll be the next big thing.

Case Study

In the same presentation, a great case study was highlighted: The U.S. Army for example created awareness, increased propensity, and ultimately drove quality leads among Hispanic prospects to the U.S. Army, Army Reserves, and ROTC.  With a target demographic of 18-24 year old Hispanics in the U.S. and Puerto Rico the U.S. Army utilized social media and general internet sites that had a high amount of traffic. In doing so, the U.S. Army became part of their social world and leveraged mobile phones with apps and advertisements. Through this type of outreach, the U.S. Army is able to successfully reach their target demographic but the key to their success is based on proactivity. Being active on the social media front will help your efforts and help others see your day to day changes and successes.


Where you spend your personal time on a daily basis i.e. Facebook and Twitter, are places Hispanic youth are most likely frequenting.  Use these digital platforms to drive efforts and carefully select traditional media with your target in mind.  Have differentiating insights to drive communications and keep learning by continually testing the youth market.   

What success have you had in reaching Hispanic youth?


Friday, June 15, 2012

A Series: Reaching Hispanic Youth

Technology, TV, Phones, and Space 
Young, US-born, educated, and primarily English speakers, Hispanics are poised to bring about the next American cultural and social revolution. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, better known as NASA, started a collaboration with Univision to prepare the next generation of scientists, engineers and technologists as stated in Target Latino. Even government organizations like NASA understand the immense growth rate of the Hispanic population and are striving to reach them.  If NASA is literally aiming for the stars to put the new generation of youth into space, companies can easily reach them on earth.

In an equally interesting article, Target Latino compares Hispanic millennials with their parents, “Unlike their immigrant parents who tried to be less visible, Hispanic millennials want to ‘stand out and be noticed.’ They still embrace parts of their culture—mostly family, music and food—and they have incorporated American values such as open-mindedness, especially in their relationships.”
They want to be visible, so how are you seeing them?

Becoming Hip to the Jive

Take your current product or service and make it Hispanic-friendly! It’s as easy as that…with a little extra elbow grease. NBCUniversal for example is putting more money to produce and continue the production of its Spanish-lingo TV assets according to Telemundo. Flavio Morales, Mun2’s senior VP of programming and production was quoted in the article as saying, “We sit in this very great space that is the best of both worlds” referring to its 18-34 demo target. 60% of the U.S. Hispanic population is under 35 years of age, and more than 75% are under the age of 45.

The article on Telemundo also finds that “those stats are a big part of the reason that NBCU is focused on expanding its presence in the Hispanic market and vying to command a bigger share of the $5.7 billion Spanish-lingo advertising market through its Hispanics@NBCUniversal initiative to more effectively market its strength with Hispanic audience to advertisers.” 

Politics Joins the Party
The power of Hispanic youth and learning how to attract them has finally reached the Capitol. Politicians for the upcoming elections have created a whole new mobile-optimized website just to reach Hispanic youth knowing the force of their numbers. An article in the Miami Herald reads Obama, Romney campaigns target young Hispanics with cellphones and states that Democratic President Barack Obama’s campaign is ahead of Republican Mitt Romney’s in using the mobile platform.  While both have mobile-optimized websites, the president also has launched the Latinos for Obama website optimized for mobile devices. To reach them means to attract their attention and this can be done by mobile utilization.

Learn the Lingo

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to marketing to a younger Hispanic demographic. Stay tuned throughout the month for more tips and helpful in-depth analysis.

What strategies have you been using to reach Hispanic youth?