Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Students In The Hispanic Community

How Can You Reach the Hispanic Market Through Education?

Last week, it was announced via PR Newswire that McDonald’s joined forces with Latinos in college and LULAC National Educational Service Centers to Launch the New Webinar Series “Latinos Rumbo Al College”. “The new webinar series was created to make the college process simple and attainable for both Hispanic students and their parents by leveraging LIC's expertise in developing interactive content that will be delivered in a culturally sensitive way through a trusted community partner and premier educational service organization, LNESC.” 

Reaching the Hispanic community by incorporating the importance of education in your campaign will aid your philanthropic efforts and actively engage the community.  

Be Cool, Stay in School

Hispanictrending.net featured an article by Octavio Hinjosa Mier on Latino Students, “Increasing the number of Latino college graduates will be key to increasing workforce productivity and taxpayer contributions needed to maintain many of our state’s public services and needed infrastructure improvements.” 

This includes marketing and the infrastructures needed to reach the Hispanic market. Supporting education in turn supports a marketers role in the community. 

One of the best ways to reach students is through social media. By installing a campaign aimed at improving the state of the community into your social media efforts, you can drive more traffic to your site. The infographic below serves as a concise fact sheet as the best way to reach Hispanics as well as support the interests of the youth you are trying to reach:

Join Them!

Go to schools and talk about your product or service to students. Junior colleges allow job fairs where you can advertise your company and even sell your services, especially if they are aimed at students. Reaching out to students however can not only help to rebuild the economic infrastructure by way of jobs, but your company will begin to grow within the Hispanic community. 

How Students are Important to You

Students are your sounding board when it comes to understanding the changing generations. To always have an “in” with the new generation is to always be on top and be relevant in a timely fashion. Texting is no longer the big thing? Then what is? Look to surveys and ask your population to best learn how to reach your target population.

Those in school, junior colleges, or college are trendsetters and should be valued. Encouraging the importance of education not only allows you to reach an educated population but a population that understands how products and services work. 

Connect with the schools in your area through job fairs, career campaigns, or even pr stunts to reach the important student population. 

How do you reach the important student population?

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